It is with great pleasure that QMS MTC hosted the Annual Board Meeting for the Piraeus Association for Maritime Arbitration (PAMA) at its offices on Wednesday, March 29, 2023, headquartered in Piraeus.
Mrs. Kalliope Lyrintzis, a longstanding member of the Board, welcomed distinguished shipping personalities and colleagues, who strive endlessly to position Piraeus as an international shipping center for the provision of best in class Maritime Arbitration and Mediation services to the shipping community at large.
Attending Board Members:
Mr. Rakintzis Leandros, President- A prominent Greek Jurist, Honorary Judge of the Supreme Court
Dr. Tsavdaridis Antonios, Vice President- A respected Arbitrator & Counsel
Mrs. Pournara Jenny, Secretary General- Entrepreneur, Maritime Mediator & Consultant
Mr. Pentheroudakis Nikolaos, Treasurer- Honorary President of the Hellenic Shipbrokers Association
Mrs. Kalliope Lyrintzis, Member- A successful pioneer woman in Maritime Education and Training, Naval Architect, Founder & Chairman of KCL Group of Companies
Mr. Hatzis Grigorios- Special Secretary of the Union, Honorary Deputy Chief of the H.N.D.G.S.
Substitute BoD members:
Mrs. Aliferopoulou Marina- Shipping Lawyer & Mediator
Mr. Iliou Dimitrios- An executive Commercial Consultant in Shipping Industry-f. BoD Member of the Baltic Exchange
Mr. Theologos Zisimou-Lawyer
Mrs. Katerina Arzoumanidou-Lawyer
We wish them every luck in all their future endeavors!