QMS People

Katerina Lyrintzis
Chief Operations Officer

  • BA, MSc & MBA – Classics, Ship Management, Business Administration
    (US & UK)
  • More than 20 year career on the job front line Management, Leadership and Customer Service Expertise in the Maritime Education Field

Kalliopi Lyrintzis
Chief Executive Officer

  • BSc & MSc – Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering, University of Michigan, USA Eur. Ing. Ch. Eng. MRINA
  • More than 30 year career in Shipping, Ship-financing & Ship-Building
  • Nominated Shipping Personality of the Year Award by Lloyds List Greek Shipping Awards 2004


At QMS Maritime Training Center we have a team of staff and tutors that come from different fields, with focus on maritime training:

Master Mariners
Retired Η.Ν Officers
Marine Engineers – Surveyors
Marketing & ΙCΤ Executives

Marine Engineers
Business Managers
Naval Architects
Academic Professors

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